Intégrez une compétence experte pour aligner vos obectifs business et techniques.
Pour les startups en forte croissance, la gestion de la tech peut devenir un véritable casse-tête. Le Chief Technology Officer externe fournit aux cadres dirigeants une expertise difficile à trouver et pourtant indispensable pour aligner les objectifs business et techniques. En collaboration avec la direction, il établit la feuille de route technique, pour qu'elle soit alignée avec les objectifs de production et de croissance.
The CTO can assess where the company stands regarding its digital competitiveness (for example from a technology innovation and legacy perspective). While they don't need to be an expert on every technology, the CTO will ensure business continuity in those matters is regularly addressed by the team.
They will also perform a company assessment using Pentalog’s Maturity Models, covering:
The CTO will help the executive management team form a vision that guides the acquisition, allocation, and management of IT resources, aligning them with the organizational objectives to ensure the business strategy can be realized.
The CTO will be an enabler for Technology Governance to raise efficiency, and make decisions based on the maturity of all areas, measured through the right Technology Governance processes.
A proper Technology Governance process is critical to ensure that Technology and its resources are used effectively, efficiently and generate business value.
The CTO may establish processes and metrics for the efficient use of the Technology resources in the company, such as ways to measure the maturity curve of the organization’s best practices, a process to evaluate the efficiency of the roles present in the IT department of the organization, promote agility and shorter time to market by establishing decision-making authority at the right levels of the IT organization, and similar other Technology Governance aspects.
Similar to the ADR (Architectural Decision Record), every Technology decision should also be thoroughly documented and reviewed. The CTO will create a Technology Decision Log item for every significant decision that affects the company, describing the decision, its context, and its consequences.
This is essential for a smooth transfer of responsibilities to the next CTO.
The CTO will build a Technology Roadmap that makes it easier to prioritize and organize Technology initiatives and work items. This helps with prioritizing the objectives and requirements into a high-level strategic plan that will inform all downstream decisions.
The Technology Roadmap is useful to both stakeholders looking at the Technology deliverables and for communicating the strategic plan with the right constituents.
We begin every journey with the same important question, “What do we leave behind?”. Our CTOs put high emphasis on documentation and transparency of all the activities, establishing documented processes, and using well-known industry-approved practices and tactics. This means when the time comes to hire the next CTO, the transition is as smooth as possible.
We consider it an essential part of our mission to establish the required policies. Our aim is to enable the next team taking over the Technology Office to confidently build on our legacy rather than rebuild a new foundation.
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